Wednesday, 19 June 2013

One Flash, One Blogpost Published Today!
I'm so proud I could literally have done a happy dance all day today. Not only did the National Flash Fiction committee like my blog post on the benefits of writing Flash Fiction, it was also published today with a piece of flash fiction I wrote called "The Blank Page".

Aaaaaand... another piece of mine will hit the internetwaves next Saturday as part of the Flash Flood journal, over here:

So yeah, you could colour me excited about that. Extremely pleased. Chuffed. In my nopjes (that only works for Dutch readers). I do hope you'll all visit both links - the one below the image is active as of today (there will be a new writer on tomorrow, but if you scroll down, you can still find my pieces) - and that other little piece of mine will make its public debut next Saturday on the link I've mentioned above.

Want to know its title? Do you? I'll give you that. It's called "The Literary Vampire".

Happy reading everyone!

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